Publicado em: 07.12.2023 ás 6:55 PM
Global Energy Leaders Advocate for Scaled and Accelerated Action Towards Achieving Universal Energy Access by 2030
Dubai, 5th of December 2023 – Distinguished leaders in the global energy sector convened at COP-28 for a comprehensive panel discussion promoted the Mozambican Energy Fund – FUNAE, FP addressing the imperative of acceleration and scaling up energy access in least-developed countries. The panel, featuring esteemed participants Jiwoo Choi (Acumen Fund), David Thomson (POWER AFRICA), Jose Silesky (Universal Energy Facility), and Edson Uamusse (FUNAE), reached a unanimous consensus on the commitment to achieving universal access to energy by 2030.
The panel underscored the urgency of adopting a scaled and accelerated approach to meet this ambitious objective. Acknowledging the private sector’s pivotal role in this endeavour, the participants emphasized the need for active support as the energy market evolves.
A significant highlight of the discourse was the recognition that, within the off-grid sector, certain companies may encounter challenges, including failures. The panel articulated the importance of discerning failures as invaluable lessons, asserting that companies should be afforded the opportunity to learn, adapt, and innovate for the overall advancement of the sector.
Furthermore, the panel emphasized the critical role of combining diverse efforts from different types of stakeholders to address the intricate issue of energy access. Beyond financial resources, regulatory support for the private sector was identified as equally imperative. The formulation of an enabling environment through well-crafted and adaptable regulations emerged as essential for fostering sustainable growth and innovation within the energy sector.
Jiwoo Choi, Vice President of Acumen Fund, remarked, “The journey towards universal energy access is formidable, yet by embracing failure as an integral part of the learning process and providing unwavering support to the private sector, we can navigate the complexities and attain our collective goal by 2030.”
David Thomson of POWER AFRICA added, “The private sector assumes a pivotal role in propelling innovation and expanding energy access, moreover, he emphasized that it’s a myth to believe that the off-grid is not a fundamental component of the universal energy access when compared to on-grid solutions. He also stated that we must offer support and flexibility, enabling companies to flourish within this dynamic landscape.”
Jose Silesky, from the Universal Energy Facility, stressed, “Initiatives for achieving universal access must adopt a comprehensive approach. A harmonious blend of financial resources, and regulatory backing, can contribute towards de-risking investments in the sector and pave the way for sustainable solutions.”
Edson Uamusse from FUNAE concluded, “By consolidating our efforts and cultivating an environment that fosters innovation, we can overcome the challenges in the off-grid sector and ensure that no individual is left in the dark.”
The panel discussion at COP-28 served as a prominent platform for off-grid leaders to share their vision to achieve universal access and reiterated their unwavering dedication to the cause. The emphasis on collaboration, adaptability, and resilience underscored the commitment towards achieving universal energy access by 2030.
The Mozambique Energy Fund, known as FUNAE, FP is a public institution established by the Decree No. 24/97, dated July 22nd, with subsequent amendments outlined in Decree 101/2020, dated November 12th. FUNAE plays a crucial role in the country’s energy sector, specifically focusing on executing publicly funded projects aimed at improving energy accessibility, particularly in rural areas. By strategically investing in energy initiatives, FUNAE seeks to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mozambique, fostering sustainable and inclusive growth, while ensuring the rural communities start embarking on the energy transition. The fund’s efforts align with the broader national goal of expanding electricity access and ensuring that the benefits of energy infrastructure reach all corners of the country, thereby enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Minaxi Chauque
Fundo de Energia – FUNAE – FP
+258 840313553