Publicado em: 12.12.2023 ás 12:02 PM

COP-28 Round Table Drives Urgent Action for Energy Access in Least-Developed Countries
Dubai, 5th of December – A high-profile round table discussion promoted by FUNAE, convened during COP-28, brought together influential stakeholders committed to advancing energy access in Mozambique. The panel featured representatives from Universal Energy Facility, Engie, BGFA, the Klick Foundation, IRENA, GIZ, BURN, GEAAP, AMER, FUNAE, and other distinguished organizations. The event generated Initial critical insights and consensus on key strategies to expedite progress in accelerating mini-grid development in Mozambique.
The round table participants collectively emphasized the need for immediate action to address the energy deficit in the country. The consensus was clear: the tendering procedure for mini-grids must be accelerated, and it is imperative to incorporate considerations for proper sizing and risk assessments when promoting these mini-grids in specific areas. Furthermore, the private sector highlighted the importance of being part of preparation and design process of the tender to ensure their active participation.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the participants expressed a shared need to have best practices being implemented in the tendering process. This should involve proper attention to the sizing of mini-grids and a comprehensive evaluation of the risks associated with their strategic selection in targeted regions.
Encouragingly, the participants also highlighted the potential of a holistic tendering approach that considers a combination of mini-grids and solar home systems. This integrated strategy aims to harness synergies between the two technologies, providing a more comprehensive and scalable solution to address energy poverty in Mozambique.
In a positive development, the round table participants underscored their conviction that technical assistance and results-based payments stand out as the primary financial instruments to bolster the off-grid sector. The consensus on these instruments reflects a strategic focus on sustainable growth and effectiveness in expanding energy access.
Speaking about the outcomes of the round table, Edson Uamusse, Director of Planning and Resource Mobilization at FUNAE, remarked, “The urgency expressed by all participants highlights the challenge of energy access in Mozambique, where the current access level is around 52%. The agreement on accelerating the tendering process, coupled with a focus on proper sizing and risk mitigation, signals our collective commitment to real and immediate action. Technical assistance and results-based payments emerge as key enablers in our efforts to make a meaningful impact in the off-grid sector”.
The enthusiasm for an integrated approach involving both mini-grids and solar home systems demonstrates our shared determination to leave no one behind in the pursuit of sustainable energy for all.” In addition, he also, emphasized that all stakeholders must work together in an integrated and coordinated approach so that programs align with the objectives of approved Government plans. This action will enable the sharing of best practices, thereby accelerating the achievement of the energy access target
The success of the round table discussion, facilitated by Enabel and supported by GET.transform, reflects a collaborative effort to drive tangible progress in universal energy access for Mozambique. As COP-28 progresses, the momentum generated by this event will contribute to shaping initiatives in Mozambique that create lasting change.
The Mozambique Energy Fund, known as FUNAE, FP is a public institution established by the Decree No. 24/97, dated July 22nd , with subsequent amendments outlined in Decree 101/2020, dated November 12th. FUNAE plays a crucial role in the country’s energy sector, specifically focusing on executing publicly funded projects aimed at improving energy accessibility, particularly in rural areas. By strategically investing in energy initiatives, FUNAE seeks to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mozambique, fostering sustainable and inclusive growth, while ensuring the rural communities start embarking on the energy transition. The fund’s efforts align with the broader national goal of expanding electricity access and ensuring that the benefits of energy infrastructure reach all corners of the country, thereby enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.
About Enabel
Enabel is Belgium’s development agency that have been fostering a collaborative relationship with the Mozambican government since 2001. With a dedicated focus on enhancing the quality of life for the population, Enabel strategically partners with public institutions, the private sector, civil society, and local communities.
For the upcoming 5 years, Enabel is directing its efforts towards providing support and strengthening institutional structures in Mozambique to facilitate a seamless transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy, prioritizing inclusivity in every facet of its developmental initiatives.
About GET.transform
GET.transform is a technical assistance programme supporting national and regional partners and institutions in advancing their energy sector transformations. GET.transform is part of the European multi-donor platform Global Energy Transformation Programme (, and supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria.
In Mozambique, GET.transform is working in partnership with key public stakeholders like the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and the regulatory authority ARENE on strengthening frameworks and markets for off-grid electrification and distributed generation.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Minaxi Chauque
Fundo de Energia – FUNAE – FP
+258 840313553
The Mozambique Energy Fund, known as FUNAE, FP is a public institution established by the Decree No. 24/97, dated July 22nd , with subsequent amendments outlined in Decree 101/2020, dated November 12th. FUNAE plays a crucial role in the country’s energy sector, specifically focusing on executing publicly funded projects aimed at improving energy accessibility, particularly in rural areas. By strategically investing in energy initiatives, FUNAE seeks to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mozambique, fostering sustainable and inclusive growth, while ensuring the rural communities start embarking on the energy transition. The fund’s efforts align with the broader national goal of expanding electricity access and ensuring that the benefits of energy infrastructure reach all corners of the country, thereby enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.
About Enabel
Enabel is Belgium’s development agency that have been fostering a collaborative relationship with the Mozambican government since 2001. With a dedicated focus on enhancing the quality of life for the population, Enabel strategically partners with public institutions, the private sector, civil society, and local communities.
For the upcoming 5 years, Enabel is directing its efforts towards providing support and strengthening institutional structures in Mozambique to facilitate a seamless transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy, prioritizing inclusivity in every facet of its developmental initiatives.
About GET.transform
GET.transform is a technical assistance programme supporting national and regional partners and institutions in advancing their energy sector transformations. GET.transform is part of the European multi-donor platform Global Energy Transformation Programme (, and supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria.
In Mozambique, GET.transform is working in partnership with key public stakeholders like the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and the regulatory authority ARENE on strengthening frameworks and markets for off-grid electrification and distributed generation.